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Completeness Dashboard |

· 2 min read

Completeness Dashboard | hashtag#buildinpublic

The completeness dashboard is the most basic dashboard of FlaggGRC. Each compliance passes through three stages of completeness. Initially, when no reporting has been done, the compliance is in the not started stage. When the reporter does some reporting, it goes into the in-progress stage. And when the approver of the compliance approves it, it enters the Completed stage. Look at this completeness doughnut. Compliances represented by the gray color have not started yet. The yellow-colored compliances are in progress. And those in the green color are completed compliances. Scroll down and you will see the completeness status below every compliance. Filtering by completeness status is easy! Just click on the pie you want to filter! The compliance list below will be instantly filtered based on your selection. No need to type anything, no need to choose through dropdowns. Whatever you'd need to filter, is right there in front of you. Just click it and filter. So, this was a quick glimpse into the completeness dashboard. Stay tuned, because we'll be publishing more dashboard demos soon.

Stay tuned to read and know more about our Tech-First GRC platform at FlaggGRC Ventures LLP

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